July 7, 2019

I wanted to share a couple of new Emacs commands I learned while on a plane ride back to New York after a week-long vacation on the West Coast.

m-f: This allows you to go forward one word in emacs.</code>
m-b: This allows you to go backward one word in emacs.</code>
c-a: This allows you to go to to the beginning of a line in emacs.</code>
c-e: This allows you to go to the end of the current line in emacs.</code>
m-a: This allows you to go back to the beginning of a sentence in emacs.</code>
m-e: This allows you to go to the end of the current sentence in emacs.</code>
c-u: This is the 'unit' command that allows you to do multiples of a command in emacs.</code>
c-u 20 c-f: Ex of using the 'c-u' command in emacs to allow you to go forward 20 characters: