June 7, 2020

I re-did my Linux laptop with Devuan instead of Debian min installer.

It went well except I had to follow this post to fix the sound issue present with alsamixer: https://dev.to/setevoy/linux-alsa-lib-pcmdmixc1108sndpcmdmixopen-unable-to-open-slave-38on

Basically, I just had to add a “default.conf” file in the etc/modprobe.d directory.

Devuan is basically Debian without ‘systemd’. ‘systemd’ is pretty controversial as it is an init system that could be potentially used as a backdoor.

I’d say as long as I have the freedom to install whatever I want on my computer, I’d rather opt out of systemd completely, so I did.

Devuan can be found here: https://devuan.org/

It was just as easy to install as Debian minimal stable net installer, so I highly recommend it the sound issue was the only issue I’ve had so far, but easily fixed it with the forum post link above.

The only other major issue was the pain of having to create a new SSH key by hand since DigitalOcean’s dumb website didn’t work nicely with Qutebrowser (most likely because they have a ton of ad-trackers that were blocked by default with Qutebrowser). Might pick a different VPS with an easier website later on as a result if I can find one. Let’s just say I don’t want to have to literally type in an SSH key by hand ever again any time soon to just re-gain SSH access to my site.

Next, I’d like to then look into buying a used Thinkpad X60 or X200 laptop to do a software based libreboot so I don’t have to solder a Raspberry Pi onto the laptop itself to remove the proprietary BIOS from it.

However, it looks like people on eBay know what they’re selling so I’ll have to keep my eye out for a good deal. Might even have to get one without a hard drive, but this is fine since I’m ok with even HDD’s as I think SSD’s are kind of just ok to be honest.

In terms of learning Linux based utilities, I want to definitely take a look a learning the “coreutils” found here: https://www.gnu.org/software/coreutils/faq/coreutils-faq.html

Along with core utils, learning C has been cool, and Bash looks like its gonna be fun to learn. Definitely want to check out the ’ncurses’ library as well for good ideas of terminal apps to make.

I’m not sure what I’m going to do with my desktop machine.

I’m debating to just nuke the Arch installation since that ALSO has ‘systemd’. If anything, Steam probably has a ton of telemetry anyway, and those games aren’t really that essential anyway.

It would better to just run emulators if I want to run games anyway, however I might change my mind to just keep a games based drive anyway. Might just do Manjaro without ‘systemd’ for the games based based SSD drive instead.

Here’s a list of things I’d like to get done sometime in the next few weeks:

1. Move over all of my GitHub repos to a public facing one on the Musimatic.net pageCould just do this with a public .git instance
2. Figure out Neomutt with isync and msmtp for my new Fastmail email accountMight give up and just use Luke Smith’s mutt wizard but we’ll see
3. Fix the images page on my websiteDoesn’t even work for the art I made
4. Install Manjaro or another Arch derivative on the games based SSD driveWould be good to replace my Arch install since I have no desire to use Arch now

On another note, I’ve been going through 2 Samuel in terms of bible reading, and have learned a lot. Let’s just say people in biblical times have had more difficult decisions to make, so it puts any of the dumb stresses of modern life into perspective and makes them kind of laughably meaningless in a good way.

Keeping positive despite the times, and am still having a blast learning Linux based stuff along the way.

Hoping for a good house setup later with a homestead to match, but one day at a time.

God Bless.