June 11, 2020

Minor point I learned the other night is to be able to pipe the ‘pwd’ command into the ‘xsel’ command.

This allows you to pipe the ‘working directory’ that you obtain with ‘pwd’ command into ‘xsel’ which copies your working directory onto your clipboard.

This allows you to be able to paste your working directory into another terminal pane in a multiplexer like tmux so that you can work on a similar task in the same directory.

Give this a try in a Linux terminal: pwd | xsel

You can also convert this to an ‘alias’ in your Bash terminal by using the following in your .bashrc config file (‘pwc’ in this context stands for ‘print working copy’): alias pwc=“pwd | xsel”

Oh, and I figured out how to finally do transparency in the terminal with urxvt terminal.

It turns out, you have to modify your .Xresources file to include the following:

! Transparency for urxvt: URxvt.depth: 32 URxvt.transparent: true URxvt.tintColor: white ! Set .shading to: 20 for slight transparency ! Set .shading to: 40 for fuller transparency URxvt.shading: 30

Here’s what a glorious transparent terminal looks like (screenshots): Transparent Weechat Screenshot Transparent Newsboat Screenshot Transparent W3M Screenshot

I took the advice on how to adjust my .Xresources file accordingly from this link, so all creds to the answer to the OP on this Arch Linux forum post: https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=117543