July 16, 2020

I am happy to note that this site is now running on ’nginx’ thanks to Luke Smith’s video on the topic: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OWAqilIVNgE

Pretty stoked because dealing with Apache configurations was a bit of a pain, especially since I wanted to add a Git server to this site, as well as Searx.

We are now running on a Debian 10 based VPS droplet running on Digital Ocean’s VPS servers in NY :).

I’ve been meaning to do this for a very long time, so I’m pretty glad.

I finished learning C, and went through that ncurses guide. I’ve been modifying two or more projects to get the hang of it, and am basically making a glorified menu that runs a few Git commands, which is about it.

Does it work yet? Not really.

Can I show it off yet? Not yet, because I’d need to setup the Git server first.

However, because I’m now using Debian 10 on this box, it should be way easier to do it than friggin’ Ubuntu was.

Plus, since I now have the great combo of ’nginx’ + Debian 10, this means I can finally revisit being able to host my own Searx instance as well so stay tuned for that.

Other than that, I’ve been debating making a LinkedIn Job Webscraper that would access the LinkedIn Job API since I hate logging into that site, and be constantly spammed with unnecessary news articles.

LinkedIn, like other platforms, needs to learn its place, and just stick to jobs, and nothing else.

Here’s ’nginx’ for reference: https://nginx.org/en/download.html?_ga=2.125714506.138062483.1594951322-1859715614.1594951322