July 28, 2020

I’m back to just using regular Emacs.

I tried Doom Emacs out, and what bugged me is that the overall community’s sentiment towards it is correct. Doom Emacs is really just someone else’s config. Sure it might be faster than regular Emacs, but at least I know how I want my Emacs experience to be configured.

Also, using Doom Emacs with Org-Mode kind of sucks since the C-u C-c C-. command doesn’t work right at all, which is SUPER crucial for my every-day ticket based work at my actual job.

Hence, I nuked Doom’s configs and am back to plain Emacs. The one thing I did like was the auto-completion sections within the mini-buffer at the bottom of Emacs, as well as the recently found files part in the intro-menu.

Other than that, eh.

Anyway, here’s some cool links to check out for old-school style internet fun, or just fun in a Linux terminal:

Here’s a cool old site from the early days of the Internet as I found this randomly after searching for “Tera Melos” online, worth it to check out as his page is pretty extensive:

From the guy who made ‘wttr.in’ which is that cool Weather based internet service I’ve used for the “Weather” tab on my site, this person listed some pretty neat console services that I found to be cool:

Notable Highlights:

Finding remote work through terminal, very cool:

The “Telnet/SSH-based games:” section is pretty cool too, so all you have to do is run the following commands in a Linux terminal to play some neat games via ‘ssh’, ’nc’, or ’telnet’:

Have fun :)