August 30, 2020

I changed the CSS of this page to be a tad bit simpler as the solarized theme for the CSS was a bit much.

Pretty happy to get back to the whole dark blue purple theme, so I’m pretty set.

Might add some small tweaks with fonts, but the simpler the better as I plan on overhauling the theme to like a Geocities-type old school theme at the end of the year as well.

I was able to find my Desktop computer in my moving boxes with the power cable, but need to dig in other boxes for the screws for the video card, as well as the TV I’ve been using forever as the monitor for it.

That being noted, I’ll probably get to trying to install Gentoo in a VM another time in that case.

I’ve been trying to schedule a remote-based Technician level ham radio license exam. The earliest I was able to schedule it is in the second week of October, which slightly sucks, but I might be able to schedule it sooner with one of the other two remote based ham radio clubs that are running the exams remotely.

I’ve been pretty much consistently passing the practice exams online, so it shouldn’t be too bad.

However, the requirements of most of the remote exams minus ONE of them include the requirement to use Zoom, which sucks since its basically glorified spyware, but I’ll just smack it on my work computer so I don’t have to risk a test procter getting mad about me running it in a VM or something since a lot of the remote tests are kind of vague about using VM’s to run Zoom.

The main formulas to remember for the Technician-level Ham Radio License Exam include:

  1. E = I * R

OR with its units: V = A * O

This would be Energy (E) = Current (I) * Resistance (R)

Also, the second portion regarding the involved units include: V = Volts, A = Amps, O = Ohms

  1. P = I * E

OR with its units: W = A * V

This would be Power (P) = Current (I) * Energy (E)

Also, the second portion regarding the involved units include: W = Watts, A = Amps, V = Volts

Everything else, despite what anyone else says online, is basically just memorization of answers, since someone like me is only planning to utilize the junky Chinese type handheld radios like the Baofeng UV-5R to make contacts locally, and even if I DO like the whole hobby, I’ll probably only get a CB type radio at best for like around $200. I kind of laugh when I see these boomer type prices on eBay for like OK looking ham radios for like $500+, so I’m only skimming the surface of the hobby for fun, and not planning to invest too much into it.

In terms of Emacs Org Mode, I learned that if you want to change an ordered list item to have a different index, you would use: (number of item) ‘[@(new index number)]’

For example:

  1. Cool Thing To Do
  2. Second Cool Thing To Do

Could Become:

I’ve been taking it easy otherwise as there’s still a few errands that need to be done after settling into the new place over the course of the month.

I’m looking forward to cooking a lot of Hungarian and Vietnamese food to keep my mind occupied despite the times, since the days and weeks are pretty much blending at this point, which sucks on a personal level, but there’s not much else that can be done.

I’m definitely still thinking of useful things I can add to this site as well, including mini sub-pages would benefit people like myself who are getting interested in ham radio, as well as Linux based info.

Stay thankful, and happy for the things you have today.

~ Sam