September 24, 2020

I’ve been working on utilizing a few links to get the “ISS Location Receiver” project underway, which can be observed in the “ISS Station Location” section on this page:

I’ve been utilizing the following links to do so:

Still deciding on how to best do this as you can easily just have it run every five seconds with a “setTimeout()” JS function.

Also, I would like to do this via an AJAX request via a button too if possible which would be cool.

We’ll see.

Otherwise, still looking for a $200 mid-tier Ham Radio since I’ll be able to get a free J-Pole antenna and power supply from two different Ham’s in the area. Looking for one that can be easily programmed with CHIRP software, but can reach repeaters in the area.

I think I’ll keep myself occupied with Echolink via QTel for the time being though while I keep doing my related research.

Also, I’m looking into VoIP based services to make internet calls with cordless or corded old-school phones, since I pretty much am fed up with using cellphones these days.

Some VoIP software I found that works on Linux:

Keep staying positive :)

~ Sam