October 4, 2020

I got my Jitsi instance running.

However, it’s only usable using a Chromium variant browser. Because I despise Google, I’ve had to resort to using Ungoogled Chromium which works flawlessly for Jitsi thankfully.

There are a TON of Firefox issues for Jitsi-Meet, so I don’t feel bad at all why Firefox doesn’t work, since its a known issue, and there’s no known workaround:

I basically followed this blog post to deploy a Jitsi instance on this site for anyone wanting to do it on their Debian VPS server:

Also, if you ever need to troubleshoot the related technology, aka “WebRTC”, there’s a test site to test your webcam and mic setup:

I also got my Desktop machine back and running with its video card plugged in, so now I’m just trying to move my dotfiles back on the machine before proceeding with using ‘qemu’ to install Gentoo in a VM.

The command that I used to obtain the dotfiles on the Desktop machine is:

git clone git@git.musimatic.net:/var/www/git/dotfiles.git

Also, apparently, you can shorten the URL itself by adding this to the “~/.ssh/config” as well:

Host git
HostName git.musimatic.net
User git

Now if I can only get GNU Stow to work to just stow away my dotfiles properly…