October 7, 2020

GitHub is pretty much trash these days, but here is one cool thing I found from it:

Basically that link is a ton of apps and resources that you self-host yourself on sites like this.


I was already kind of just set on deploying Unrealircd to create a IRC server to connect to via SSH key or password or something, but I’m glad to find more ideas of things to deploy :D.

The only other thing I could think of was to maybe to create a email server, and maybe even a public pastebin to link to code (without syntax of course to prevent SQL injection attacks, or cross-site scripting via PHP scripts).

I still shudder when I think of when this site was hosted on a public hosted server, and the dang PHP infested portion that appeared out of nowhere which was a result of some hacker in India. Worst part about is that the shared hosting provider, InMotion Hosting didn’t even care, despite my multiple emails regarding the issue.

Let it be a lesson to anyone to NEVER pay for shared hosting. Always host your website yourself on a private VPS instance using a VPS service provider like Vultur, Digital Ocean, etc. You can be even more based by hosting it at your own home using a single board computer (Raspberry Pi, etc) but you would have to figure out a safe way to do port forwarding as well to not allow the entire internet to access your home network though. With this in mind, make sure to do your research first before doing this option.

I’ve been working on hashing out ideas for that Solar Weather JQuery UI app as I’ve had to learn more about what actual practical applications for showing solar weather regarding Ham Radio’s HF (high frequency) propagation.

The coolest thing I learned today was that after a solar flare, the ionosphere will be loaded with more ions which BOOSTS your HF propagation to allow for a much greater distance for contacts.

Now if I could just afford to buy a DMR radio (MD-UV-380), we would be set…

And maybe then I could finally make a DX contact with Hungary :/

I have a few fun things planned for the weekend to relax, so I’m staying positive as I can.

Been going through Book of Samuel (KJV) still between tickets at work sometimes when I need a boost.

God Bless :)

~ Sam