October 14, 2020

I’ve been looking up more Hungarian food recipes to make this year.

Here’s a great YouTube channel to learn how to make some Hungarian food, as the recipes use both metric and Imperial measurements:

Here are two great YouTube channels on Hungarian cooking, but be warned, they’re both in Hungarian without any subtitles or captions, so I would recommend this only if you can understand Hungarian (like me):

I’m gonna chill out and check out some more Demo Scene art to see if I can get ideas of what to make myself one of these weekends for fun.

I am also thinking about what to add to my Emacs config between all my machines.

I would like it so that the modeline at the bottom has more auto-completion. Also, I would like to try making a few Hydra key combinations to make things a bit easier. I might even learn some more Org Mode as well, who knows.

Still planning on finishing the Gentoo install this weekend, and am looking forward to it :)

~ Sam