October 30, 2020

I’m in the process of deploying ‘cgit’ to git.musimatic.net via nginx.

The one important link command to create a symlink in this kind of scenario, let’s say “default” would be:

sudo ln -s /etc/nginx/sites-available/default /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/default

It’s not working yet, but I do understand the concept of what I’m doing in terms of making sure nginx understands to listen on Port 80, and then run ‘fcgiwrap’ to actually deploy the website showing the git repository. I did install it from source by using the related tarball.

I know the end result will look awesome, so it’s worth the effort.

I tried working on the one ‘w3mBookmarkSorter’ project, but I couldn’t get my head around how to really fix the underlying issues present. The output doesn’t really look like the desired format. I’m wondering at this point if instead I could just treat blocks of HTML tags within the bookmark html file in the BeautifulSoup4 parser. I do use ‘w3m’ quite a bit so it would be a cool utility to have, and I might even fork ‘w3m’ to add it as an additional script.

I might work more on the ElectronJS app for work to feel a bit more productive. I ran into an issue earlier this week where I got some obscure JS compilation error, but I blame Windows honestly since it was a Microsoft based error. It MIGHT be because of the use of ‘puppeteer-in-electron’ dependency though as a lot of the related forum posts on the related error are for obscure PATH variable references.

I try to get Emacs Window Manager working on that Gentoo VM this weekend. Will also keep at it in terms of drawing, as I’m getting more and more comfortable with Andrew Loomis style wireframes, though they’re pretty crude and hard to do at this point for me.

We’ll see.
