November 5, 2020

I worked on the ‘w3mBookmarkSorter’ project, and made a lot of headway by just re-thinking and reducing the amount of Python 3 code present.

I think I’m pretty close to what I want, and will most likely release utilities like this on a public Git instance as I think ‘w3m’ as a whole could benefit from something like this.

Though I like Emacs a lot, I realized its much more fun and simpler to just use terminal apps instead. I’m done more fighting with Emacs to even try to get it to run shells, as it just doesn’t do proper, fully-feature shells out of the box. I don’t want to have to patch Emacs just to get a shell working on it.

Sure, there’s “eshell”, “shell”, etc, but the only decent one, “VTerm”, seemed usable only if you re-compile Emacs from source, which is a pain if you want to distribute it amongst multiple machines like I do.

I don’t mind seeking to learn how to compile programs from source on distros like Gentoo, but for my current workflow, I just want it to be up and running ASAP. Especially if I’m primarily using Emacs as a text editor, and not an all-in-one utility. Its this lack of shell support straight from the box that makes me want to instead configure Neovim instead, as I still love ’tmux’ so much.

I will still configure Emacs to help my Org-Mode workflow for everyday ticket work though, and still look forward to using it for that reason. However, even more on this, I even don’t want to use Evil-Mode (Vim keybindings) on Emacs anymore either because I think the keybindings overall just fight you from step 1 when you try to do this. I think the best way to use Emacs is just to use it as intended, and just use packages to make it that much easier to use.

Either way, Vim and Emacs still beats using a mouse for text editing. ;)

I’ve worked more on the re-design of the site, and it’s looking more and more what I want it to be in terms of it being simple to look at, and more Geocities based. You can check it out here:

I’ve been watching movies to chill out this week mostly, and haven’t done too much art honestly.

Also, I saw that Parabola is moving to BSD in a few years because of dependency on “Rust”, “systemd”, and even “Pulseaudio” being forced on the Linux kernel level. Definitely will start checking out FreeBSD in that case within a VM, and using that as the daily driver instead of Devuan honestly. The cool thing about the BSD’s is that you can totally run any Linux program you want with a compatibility layer, so I could still use AwesomeWM, Openbox, etc, without a single problem. Related Parabola announcement can be found here:

Keep your mind active, be thankful, and God Bless.

~ Sam