January 1, 2021

I archived all older blog posts back into the main “blog.html” page, and have removed all pages and references to the older versions of the site, as I already have done a personal backup of the page itself.

If you ever wish to see the previous versions of the sites (though sometimes incomplete), you can visit the Archive.org archived page here to view different scraped versions of this site from 2018 to 2020:

I was debating making a “museum” section to showcase the older versions of the site. But honestly, it’s better to just remove as much bloat from the page as possible.

I think the ‘git.musimatic.net’ should be the main source page to shine for something like that, and I would rather allow a given user to be able to easily download utilities in one-click (with the caveat that it would only work in Linux anyway).

I’m still 50/50 on totally removing any bloated web app projects I have done in frameworks like AngularJS, React, etc. I might section them off to a part of the site called “bloat.musimatic.net” to poke fun on how bloated these same technologies are. One thing for certain is that I will be removing any “Bootstrap” CSS style link references from any of the pages, so get used to the Geocities looking pages.

This is because:

Here’s what you can do:

This is because I don’t think the world should cave in to become mobile-friendly as I think non-rooted smart phones are the absolute worst. Even if you use it for calling, you should switch to just a landline phone and have a backup phone in your car for emergencies, that’s it. Texting is pointless, and outdated since email does it better, and more. Having a phone and any associated account allows companies to mine your personal data, spending habits, location, etc. Granted, ISP’s are probably doing the same thing anyway, you should be allowed to be “YOU” at all times without any of these unnecessary worries ontop of modern living.

With that rant aside, I feel great about the years to come as I plan on living my life in a more independent fashion. I am confident that with the right spending habits, and the right attitude on how to figure out next related steps that I will be able to raise a family in a positive manner.

As you can see, this blog part of the site has shown a lot of my efforts throughout its years of existence as to the hopes I’ve had to really incorporate some cool projects out there. Some have been fulfilled, others kind of didn’t work out. On that front, I’m actually GLAD that they didn’t.

Just in case you’re wondering: No, I am not one of those awkward, ignorant boomers that think that “2021 will solve all of our problems” because it will only get worse. However, we can choose to live our lives our way, and today is an awesome day with God as we have lived to see it with the bare essentials to keep surviving.

That is the attitude you need to have to be happy these days!

Staying Active, And Grateful ~ Sam