January 23, 2021

I have been mostly tweaking my Emacs configuration for the past couple of weeks, both on my personal config and my work-based config.

Let me tell you, it is awesome to be able to utilize Emacs Window Manager inside a VM, along with ‘magit-mode’ for git commits, and just all of the small tweaks I’ve added after watching all of Uncle Dave’s Emacs videos.

I think I will blow some people’s minds at work once my full setup is complete so that I can maybe get them to possibly use it too (though… I doubt it, but one can hope I guess).

I’ll be happy when I get work email, as well as access to both ZenDesk API and JIRA Mode enabled so I can have a full-fledged setup present.

His Emacs video playlist can be found here:

I can say without a doubt, that my efficient for work has improved 10x with some of the things I added.

I added a ton of games to my 3DS via some cool Virtual Console injector sites that host QR codes for downloads.

Here are some tweaks I made to the site:

Regarding the recipe-based rendering issue, I do blame some of the recipes themselves. Some of them either dragged on and rambled when a real recipe should instead only be directions. Nothing makes me more annoyed these days than having to sift through a giant blog post in order to get a food recipe, though I’ve learned most of these annoying types of sites usually has the recipe at the bottom anyway, so its a 50/50 I guess.

I plan on re-doing my CV instead to be in ‘Org-Mode’ and NOT LaTeK because LaTeX is bloated, and unnecessary. I will find it hilarious if I can make it look 100x better than some Vim user with the bloated LaTeX install. Sure, Emacs is bloated in its own way, but its tailored to my taste. That’s what makes it awesome and function so well as it integrates so nicely with itself. More so, the final point is that I don’t HAVE to learn LaTeK to produce a nice looking resume to be exported in PDF, or even an HTML site, with a few keyindings in Emacs Org-Mode :).

I’ve been reading Steve Howe’s autobiography as I’ve been on a reading kick again. Autobiography books are great. There’s really nothing else like it, and I’ve only did nothing BUT learn from other people’s lives.

I plan on reading the one from Bill Bruford too sometime as well. Maybe even the one from Gretzky too, why not.

I bought some cables and adapters to hook up my Baofeng UV-5R to ‘svxlink’ which is basically Echolink, but for Linux terminal, which is pretty sweetl.

Other than that, I’ve been working on that ‘JeeveSobs - Jagged Edges’ album, and it has been coming along pretty nicely. I have the song order in place, though during my last time on that Desktop, I think I might have nuked the ALSA config by accident that I tweaked specifically for that Focusrite Solo Interface… so it will probably take a bit of digging to figure out how to get it to work again, most likely involving the ‘aplay -l’ command to list devices again and see how to really make sure the devices are being listened to on the hardware level :/

I’m still torn on what specific isolated power supply I would like to my guitar / synth pedalboard, but I’m leaning towards this one from MXR in particular:

~ Sam