August 15, 2021

I spoke too soon.

That self-creating art gallery page was great, but the amount of images, and the default sizes are CRAZY big.

Therefore, I had to incorporate creating thumbnails into the logical process as well.

I tried many, many, many different attempts to resize the GIF’s without success.

I have no idea how to resize the GIF’s. I tried the ‘resize2gif’ library, and even tried to follow two vague Stackoverflow posts to manually hack the module’s code to work with Python 3 without matrix array errors. Ultimately, its not worth the hassle.

I’ll just have to figure out the GIF’s portion section another time.

Most likely, I will have to take the first frame of a given GIF, save that as an image, and then repeat the process of creating thumbnails from those images.

Gallery page found here:

Latest code attempt here:

import os
from pathlib import Path
from pathlib import PurePath
from pathlib import PosixPath
import pprint
import itertools
from wand.image import Image as wand_image
import wand

def create_thumbnails():
    print('CALLING create_thumbnails() FUNCTION...')
    art_gallery_path = '/var/www/musimatic/images/ArtGallery'
    picture_directories = list(filter(os.path.isdir, os.listdir(art_gallery_path)))
    for directory in picture_directories:
        print('Checking for thumbnails directory')
        thumbs_path = str('/var/www/musimatic/images/ArtGallery/' + str(directory) + '/thumbs')
        print('thumbs_path: ' + str(thumbs_path))
        # Check if a thumbnails directory exist
        thumbs_path_exists = Path(thumbs_path).exists()
        if thumbs_path_exists:
            print('thumbs_path_exists is true: thumbnail directory exists')
        # if not thumbails directory:
        if not thumbs_path_exists:
            print('thumbs_path_exists is false: thumbnail directory does NOT exist')
            # mkdir thumbnails
        # Create globs for each file type
        picture_paths_jpg = (x.resolve() for x in Path(directory).glob("*.jpg"))
        picture_paths_png = (x.resolve() for x in Path(directory).glob("*.png"))
        picture_paths = itertools.chain(picture_paths_jpg, picture_paths_png)
        picture_paths_strings = [str(p) for p in picture_paths]
        # Cycle through each picture_path string
        print('Cycling through each picture_path string')
        for picture_path in picture_paths_strings:
            # Use PosixPath() to split path parts accordingly
            current_filename = PosixPath(picture_path).name
            current_stem = PosixPath(picture_path).stem
            current_parent = PosixPath(picture_path).parent
            print('current_filename: ' + str(current_filename))
            print('current_stem: ' + str(current_stem))
            print('current_parent: ' + str(current_parent))
            thumb_image_version = str(str(current_parent) + '/thumbs/thumb_' + current_filename)
            thumb_image_version_exists = Path(thumb_image_version).exists()
            print('thumb_image_version: ' + str(thumb_image_version))
            print('thumb_image_version_exists: ' + str(thumb_image_version_exists))
            # if not thumbnails/image.ext:
            if not thumb_image_version_exists:
                print('Creating new thumbnail image...')
                # create_thumbnail(path_to_image, thumbnail_path)
                # with Image(filename = picture_path) as image:
                with wand_image(filename = picture_path) as image:
                    with image.clone() as thumbnail:
                        thumbnail.thumbnail(50, 50)

def create_thumbnails_gifs():
    print('CALLING create_thumbnails() FUNCTION...')
    art_gallery_path = '/var/www/musimatic/images/ArtGallery'
    picture_directories = list(filter(os.path.isdir, os.listdir(art_gallery_path)))
    for directory in picture_directories:
        print('Checking for thumbnails directory')
        thumbs_path = str('/var/www/musimatic/images/ArtGallery/' + str(directory) + '/thumbs')
        print('thumbs_path: ' + str(thumbs_path))
        # Check if a thumbnails directory exist
        thumbs_path_exists = Path(thumbs_path).exists()
        if thumbs_path_exists:
            print('thumbs_path_exists is true: thumbnail directory exists')
        # if not thumbails directory:
        if not thumbs_path_exists:
            print('thumbs_path_exists is false: thumbnail directory does NOT exist')
            # mkdir thumbnails
        # Create globs for each file type
        picture_paths_gif = (x.resolve() for x in Path(directory).glob("*.gif"))
        picture_paths = itertools.chain(picture_paths_gif)
        picture_paths_strings = [str(p) for p in picture_paths]
        # Cycle through each picture_path string
        print('Cycling through each picture_path string')
        for picture_path in picture_paths_strings:
            # Use PosixPath() to split path parts accordingly
            current_filename = PosixPath(picture_path).name
            current_stem = PosixPath(picture_path).stem
            current_parent = PosixPath(picture_path).parent
            print('current_filename: ' + str(current_filename))
            print('current_stem: ' + str(current_stem))
            print('current_parent: ' + str(current_parent))
            thumb_image_version = str(str(current_parent) + '/thumbs/thumb_' + current_filename)
            thumb_image_version_exists = Path(thumb_image_version).exists()
            print('thumb_image_version: ' + str(thumb_image_version))
            print('thumb_image_version_exists: ' + str(thumb_image_version_exists))
            # if not thumbnails/image.ext:
            if not thumb_image_version_exists:
                print('Creating new thumbnail gif image...')
                # Taken from this SO post:
                frames = images2gif.readGif(picture_path,False)
                for frame in frames:
                    frame.thumbnail((100,100), Image.ANTIALIAS)
                images2gif.writeGif(thumb_image_version, frames)

def main():
    print('CALLING main() FUNCTION...')
    with open('/var/www/musimatic/pythonprojectwebsites/ArtGallery/artgallery.html', 'w') as f:
        f.write('<!DOCTYPE html>')
        f.write('<title>Art Gallery</title>')
        f.write('<meta charset="utf-8"/>')
        f.write('<link rel="stylesheet" href="" type="text/css"/>')
        art_gallery_path = '/var/www/musimatic/images/ArtGallery'
        picture_directories = list(filter(os.path.isdir, os.listdir(art_gallery_path)))
        for directory in picture_directories:
            picture_directory_anchor = str('<a href="#' + str(directory) + '">' + str(directory) + '</a>')
            f.write('<br />')

        for directory in picture_directories:
            picture_directory_header = str('<h1 id="' + str(directory) + '">' + str(directory) + '</h1>')
            f.write('<br />')
            # SO Post on Globs:
            picture_paths_jpg = (x.resolve() for x in Path(directory).glob("*.jpg"))
            picture_paths_png = (x.resolve() for x in Path(directory).glob("*.png"))
            # TODO: Once I fix the 'create_thumbnails_gifs()' function, return to this:
            # picture_paths_gif = (x.resolve() for x in Path(directory).glob("*.gif"))
            # picture_paths = itertools.chain(picture_paths_jpg, picture_paths_png, picture_paths_gif)
            picture_paths = itertools.chain(picture_paths_jpg, picture_paths_png)
            # SO Post on string replacement:
            # picture_paths_strings = [str(p).replace('/var/www/musimatic/', '') for p in picture_paths]
            picture_paths_strings = [str(p) for p in picture_paths]
            # pprint.pprint(picture_paths_strings)
            for picture_path in picture_paths_strings:
                current_filename = PosixPath(picture_path).name
                current_stem = PosixPath(picture_path).stem
                current_parent = PosixPath(picture_path).parent
                regular_image_version = str(picture_path).replace('/var/www/musimatic/', '')
                thumb_image_version = str(str(current_parent) + '/thumbs/thumb_' + current_filename)
                thumb_image_version = str(thumb_image_version).replace('/var/www/musimatic/', '')
                print('thumb_image_version: ' + str(thumb_image_version))
                picture_img_tag = str('<a target="_blank" href="' + str(regular_image_version) + '"><img src="' + str(thumb_image_version) + '"/></a>')
        print('ART GALLERY COMPLETE!')

if __name__ == '__main__':
    # create_thumbnails_gifs()

~ Sam