January 16, 2022

I was able to deploy my art portfolio website yesterday after a ton of work to get it working with the ‘Epik’ domain registrar, and ‘Vultur’ VPS provider:

I am in the process of migrating all my artwork to it so that I have more space for it going forward.

Is it fully functional?

No way. Not at all.

There is still a lot of work to be done, since I’m trying to figure out how to create a CSS stylesheet that will rival the following artist websites that I think look fantastic:

The goal is to have a look similar to the sites above, but have as minimal JS present on the site so it doesn’t become too bloated.

I might even opt for a minimalistic look as per this website that was created entirely using Emacs Org Mode since I really like the fonts being used:

I do plan on carrying over the same ‘Art Gallery’ page from this site, but I have since updated the project to become more friendly for anyone who wants to deploy the same Art Gallery but for their OWN website.

This means if you modify the ‘.env’ file in my ‘ArtGalleryCreator2’ project after deploying it on your ’nginx’ based website’s VPS, you too can run a similar Art Gallery page that is exactly like mine, aka read the ‘README.md’ and you’ll be fine:

Have fun hacking away at my project on your own site.

NOTE, if you are oblivious to what hacking really means, and still think hacking has some sort of negative context, read this article by Richard Stallman that goes over why hacking is what everyone should be doing to their own computers to make their lives easier:

In short, every device should be hacked since you should have the freedom to do whatever you want to any device you own.

Stop treating the word ‘hack’ like such a bad thing.

~ Sam