February 8, 2022

Found some more cool sci-fi artists to check out:

Debating somehow checking out this video course by Syd Mead since it goes into exactly how he’s able to produce space art:

Also debating getting a Wacom Intuos Medium PTH-660-N or a decent printer.

This random YouTube video got me thinking to maybe either get the Canon PIXMA TS3320 or Canon PIXMA TS5320 printer:

Thankfully, there exists printer drivers for Linux for those printers too, so I’d be set with either one:

Honestly, some of the best comparison videos for printers weirdly enough has been from ‘crafters’ on YouTube since its not that easy to figure out what would actually work with heavier paper like bristol paper.

Slowly trying to figure out what works best for my art workflow.

Results with printing on grey toned paper with colored pencils and alcohol markers has been cool, but I definitely would like to do something between 70’s sci-fi art meets classic illustrators like Franklin Booth.

One day at a time.

~ Sam