April 31, 2022

I modernized both the ‘Bandcamper’ and ‘Scripture Of The Day’ projects by adding Bootstrap buttons (https://getbootstrap.com/docs/4.0/components/buttons/) and Bootstrap navbar items (https://getbootstrap.com/docs/4.0/examples/navbars/) via the CSS stylesheets for both projects.

I also refactored the code for both projects a bit as well, since they were both in a bit of rough shape:

Overall result looks decent so far, looking forward to creating more JS heavy projects soon.

Other than doing this, I’ve been trying to get a working ‘Navidrome’ instance (https://www.navidrome.org/) to host my FLAC music collection on my Dell Optiplex 7070SFF running Fedora Server, but am struggling a bit with the firewall config portion since its a headless server to begin with.

The process of adjusting the firewall will have to be done since I need to be able to access the admin page via port 4533. I don’t have a window manager installed on that server, so it’ll take a deep dive of the following two links to figure out how to do this via ‘firewalld’:

Most likely, I will have to do the following commands accordingly to open up port 4533 accordingly:

sudo firewall-cmd --add-port=4533/tcp
sudo firewall-cmd --runtime-to-permanent

Here’s to having my own Spotify-like instance, aka Navidrome. One step closer to self-hosted LAN based server freedom :)

~ Sam