June 15, 2022

I have ported over my entire site to now be a ‘hugo’ based blog site, the repo of which can be found here:

Now I can easily post in single .org file and export to multiple Markdown files with ease, all with a nice theme to match.

This process was a long time coming since the look of the site needed to be updated accordingly to look more professional, and I believe ‘hugo’ is just perfect for this kind of thing.

The only thing to consider is where to re-host my existing projects, but to be honest, I can easily just port them over to GitHub Pages and run them there via a crontab job just the same, or just host them on this same box.

If anything, at least the blog is up as intended, which took a lot of work to ensure that the permissions carried over.

Tomorrow, I’ll share a related post on my progress with the Flatiron School bootcamp I’ve been working on as well.

~ Sam