How I Created The 'morrowind-emacs-theme' For Emacs, And Pushed It To MELPA For Review

I have a thing for themes, especially in text editors. The way I see it is if you have to live inside a program all day doing something for work, like text editing for documents and todo lists or creating code for software development projects, you might as well be comfortable with the visual colors of the program you’re using.

That being said, I recently created my own theme called ‘morrowind-emacs-theme’, which can be found here:

I utilized the excellent ‘ThemeCreator’ web app that basically allows you to make a new theme on the fly in your web browser, after which you can then export the same theme to a variety of text editors like IntelliJ, Textmate, Emacs, Vim, etc:

I based my Emacs theme upon the in-game menu from the game, ‘The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind’, which is a game I grew up playing in my teens, and have very fond memories of. My short blurb on this game is that it is quite possibly one of the best role playing games that have ever existed in terms of the amount of freedom you could have within a single game. You literally could do anything you wanted, and however you wanted.

More so, I remember this Toonami video on TV when the game first came out which got me so excited about it in the first place:

You can imagine that I liked that game so much I figured it would be cool to make a color theme based upon the menu colors for that game, and the end results have been pretty good for the most part.

I also went ahead and have begun the process for my theme to get approved for ‘MELPA’ ( which is basically the largest package database for Emacs packages. It’s the big leagues comparatively since if you can get your package on MELPA, you’re going places, or at least will get noticed by someone using Emacs with ‘M-x list packages’ one way or another.

My related pull request to get approved my theme package recipe to be included on MELPA can be found here:

I’ll be honest, I’m pretty excited about this, since if this works out, I’ll create a ton more themes and become the themes guy for Emacs if I can help it :)

~ Sam